January 17, 2003
Austin, Texas, USA

1:11am. I'm tired and just want to go to bed, but if I don't write now, it won't happen.

I got up at 8am this morning after Common Child headed off to the law office where she works, which was a first-- being up so early that is. Since the new year, Seed and I have been crashing after 3am, not getting mobile again til noon, mainly due to Justin's nocturnal party animal life style, but I can't totally blame him; we were just in that cycle.

I had work today helping Alex refurbish a house. I was on my knees stripping paint off floor molding with a scrapper, then taping edges and cocking cracks, and finally putting a primer coat on a few window frames... for which I was paid $40.

I stopped into Ruta Maya to put my show poster on the door. The show is tomorrow night(Friday) at 10:30pm. Since one of the slide reels from the first half of my show was stolen in New York, I gotta put a new show together, so that is my challenge tomorrow, along with making a poster and hand-outs for my other up coming shows: Friday Jan. 24, 7pm @ Cafe Mundi and Wednesday. Feb 5th, 7pm @ Whole Earth Provision Co.(San Antonio st.). Alex also asked me to work for him tomorrow, which I'll try to do, and a local high school has asked me to visit their Journalism class. They sent this email:

Hi...we were forwarded a message from one of our counselors (Paul Licce) about you being in town and willing to visit our school. What a great idea! I went to your web site and I think that your presentation would be interesting for many of our students. We are located near downtown at 1600 Chicon (near Martin Luther King and Chicon) across the highway from the big round monstrosity known as the Erwin Center. We are just starting a photojournalism class, and the facilitator is Jackie Cuevas. Their first meeting is tomorrow from 10 - 2...maybe your could come by then. Let us know if you'd like to come by while you're in town!

p.s. you don't know how lucky your were to be at hippie hour AND see Leslie...he hasn't been spotted much lately around town since he's been caring for that house in Westlake...your karma is rockin'

This evening we visited Whole Earth to meet Kevin who helped set up my show. The store is gving me funds to make posters, so that's sweet. I also tried on trail running shoes. My left foot is size 11 and my right foot is size 10.5, so I'm gonna ask Montrail(the company that makes the ones I want) to send me a pair odd sized like that.

We met my friend Jim at the Juggling club meeting on the UT campus, and made plans for dinner tomorrow. Then we went on a confusing, frustrating wild goose chase looking for the Austin Rock Gym that Alex's neighbor John told me about. On St. Elmo st.near where he said... we found a sign that said "Rock Gym" and but after 20 minutes driving around... there was none to be found. After almost an hour of hassle we found it on the other side of the highway amongst a massive complex of warehouses. The problem was that St. Elmo is cut off by the highway, then picks up again on the other side. The sign we saw was for a boxing club called Rock Gym. I'm glad we persevered; the facility was amazing and we had a good talk with the owner, Scott, who was super cool. He said 85% of climbing gyms in the US lose money. He makes his money off birthday parties and other groups, not regular climbers.

Steve who I met climbing there hosts Texasclimbers.com, and said he'd put a notice on the site about my show. Mike at Whole Earth who helped with the shoes is also part of an outdoor organization and he's gonna email the 400 members letting them know about the shows. Its all about making connections.


There is so much
we don't see
when focused
on one path.