If you want your site listed below... just let me know.
Please view this page before placing a link to MAX @ School.
Jean-Philippe Soule and Luke Shullenberger: "Central American Sea Kayak Expedition 2000" ....A kayak and jungle odyssey - California to Colombia - 3 years and 5000 miles by sea kayak.
Jeff Franieck: cycling around the world.
Patrick Combs: There's a little Ferris Bueller in all of us.
Aaron Thies: A travalogue much like mine - dedicated preserving undeveloped land as open space for public use and recreation.
Andrew Koransky: Travelling
around, learning from others, volunteering and having fun.
Doug Wade: trip reports from several locations, including Italy,
France, Ireland, and the US, especially Northern California.
Laura Smith: music like falling in love.
Christina Cole: The Big Insurance Company
Lloyd Bowles: The "Mad Canoeist"!
Laurie Ford: Maatsuyker Canoe Club, Tasmania.
Jeff Johnson: Sailing Around the World - "OUT OF BOUNDS".
Jeff Jennings: Sea Kayaking Adventures in Tasmania.
Evan: "Where is Evan?" . . .I don't know. . . but you can find out.
Gary Tuerack: Total Success
Nick Schade: A sea kayak links directory
Kryss Katsiavriades: Travel and Photography.
Rec. Travel Library: It's what it says!
Dennis Painter: Personal Homepage.
The Waterborne: Links of interest for paddlers.
Ruud Merks: Sea kayaking trips in Europe
Ray Sterner: Color Landform Atlas of the United States.
Julz: She loves Journaling!
Peter Puffin: Puffin Productions uses music and multi-media arts to encourage environmental awareness, knowledge and stewardship, through community building and increased quality of life.