March 26, 1999
Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico

Hola Amigos!

I am currently renting a small one room cottage for 10 pesos($1USD) a day, just off the beach on Stone Island - across the harbor from Mazatlan, a popular tourist destination. Internet access has been hard to attain up to this point, but I have finally made a few connections and I have two locations where I can get on line at no cost: here at the university, Tec de Monterry, and at my friend Daniel's house.

I apologize that I have not been able to keep this web site up-dated with current journal enteries over the past six months, but my first priority has been to live the life of my dreams - which is the purpose of this journey. As I have said before... it is impossible to live the adventure... and write about it at the same time. However, I am writing... A LOT... and when you do finally get to read about my latest adventures... you will be glad I took the time to maintain the high standard of quality in content and design for which this website is known.

In the summer of 1997, during the months preceding my departure from Vancouver, I was a guy on a journey, traveling by kayak, who happened to have a web site. Now it seems... I am a guy with a web site, who happens to be on a kayak journey. This journey has nothing to do with kayaking or a web site. It is a very personal quest, and I am allowing the world to experience it - laughing and crying with me through the happy and sad times, and wondering in the times I am perplex and don't have a clue.

This work is rooted deep within my soul - the source of its energy, like fertile soil, feeding my life as if a tree, enabling me to grow and branch-out, spreading seeds of freedom and hope to be planted in other souls, giving them the inspiration to begin the life they desire.

I’m in no hurry to leave here. There is much to learn and plenty of adventures yet to be had. Once I start heading south again by kayak, this journey turns into very serious game. I will be putting everything at risk, including my life. Before I leave Mazatlan, I must be certain that I am fully prepared to face the challanges which await me. This includes: having a good understanding of the Spanish language, being able keep my web site running smoothly via satellite, and making sure that I am only carrying the equipment which best suits my needs. I have nothing to gain by rushing this process.

I have made many friends since arriving at the start of the year, both Mexicans and other travelers. I get a lot more respect from the locals when I tell them, "Yo vive aqui en Isla de la Piedra." I feel I am part of the community and not just another gringo. My Spanish vocabulary is growing larger by the day, and I am able to have simple conversations. My grammar is lame, but I am understood and I can understand much of what is said to me.

sketch of meEvery day is different, but I often do a lot ofspear fishing, body surfing, reading, cooking, exploring, and writing. I feel as though I have been at summer camp. But, now that many of my traveler friends have moved on, I may finally get some work done on the site.

The journal, starting back at the top of the Sea of Cortez, is a mess - written sporadically between my computer, several different note pads and numerous small pieces of paper - whatever I could grab at the moment I was inspired. Sorting this out and organizing it with the hundreds of corresponding images into an entertaining, educational and easy to view format is a massive task - bigger than I probably fully realize. Until then, you will just have to wait before you can turn the next page of my life and vicariously begin to experience what is undoubtedly the most enlightening and fantastic chapter yet.

I have cut loose from all restraints I have put on myself. I have not been irresponsible, but just the opposite: I have accepted complete responsibility for my life’s path, and in doing so, I have chosen not to be afraid to do what I want to do, think what I want to think, and say what I want to say. The truth(my truths and my experiences - which no person can judge as being right nor wrong) will be told. And, if someone has a problem with it... it is likely because it is something they are struggling with themselves. A good friend recently told me, "Those who annoy you most... are those you have the most to learn from." I hope what I say does not annoy you... however... you do have the freedom to stop reading at any time.

sketch of meLike public television, those who enjoy being entertained and educated by it often, should chip-in to help pay for it. If you click to this website only once or twice a year, don't worry about it - I’m just glad you like it. But, for the other several thousand people who read my journal on a regular basis, or who have read every journal entry from Vancouver, up to this point(the eqivalant of an entire book), please understand that writing my journal, maintaining this website, and responding to email from students and other interested individuals from around the world is a lot of work... and not just a little project I do on the side.

I am simply asking that each veiwer, if they are able, make a small donation to help cover the thousands of dollars and thousands of hours an I have personally invested... which is enabling them to come with me on this amazing adventure - learning what I learn and seeing what I see... all from the comfort of their own home, classroom, or place of employment. Also, just like public television, which doesn't have comercial breaks, I don't have annoying blinking banner ads all over my site. I'd like to keep it that way.

I would not have gotten this far on my own; it is only because of many generous large companies, small business and spectacular individuals. If you did not think this was an interesting and worth-while project, you probably would not have clicked beyond my opening page. So, that means I am talking to you. If you want to make an investment at this time, click here. It's easy and can take less than a minute if you use your VISA card. Sending cheques in the mail is cool too. I’ll write you a card to say "Thanx", and some other stuff if you send me enough loot.

The journey, as far as you are concerned, will commence again two months from now. If you have not read my earlier journals, you may want to do so. If you do not feel like starting from the beginning, there are several of my favorite journal entries listed at the bottom of my author profile page.

Receiving emails from individuals around the globe is the greatest pleasure this web site has brought me. It lets me know that my work is actually making in impact. Don’t be shy...

Live your dreams... or die trying!